Be a Good Sport!
Golf, ice hockey, tennis, pickleball, & rafting
Raffle Basket Prizes include:
Valued at $1,072.00 We will sell only 200 raffle tickets for this prize.
Play 18 holes of golf with 4 friends, plus two carts at Shadow Hills Country Club.
Introduction to Ice hockey (2 courses, 8 weekly lessons), hockey gear is provided, on loan, for the classes.
Take private lessons from the pros:
- Tennis
- Golf
- Pickleball
White water rafting on the scenic Rogue river for six adventureous folks.
Raffle Ticket Numbers
After you purchase your raffle tickets, you will receive an email from the Fundraiser committee with your raffle ticket numbers.
Want to pay by check?
To purchase raffle tickets with a personal check (i.e., not online via PayPal) please click here