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Join Us

You Are Invited to Become a Member
Together we make more meaningful changes!

We are so glad you are interested in Women's Gift, and we hope that you will join us.

Benefits of Membership

  • We pool our donations and every month we give our collective contribution to a worthy nonprofit that helps women and children in need. Your monthly $20 contribution is multiplied many times over and becomes a part of the $1,500 currently donated each month by Women’s Gift. Additional donations provided by Women's Gift members, and the public, are also put to work to help women and children at risk.

  • Members get an in-depth knowledge and appreciation of Lane County nonprofits benefiting women and children.

  • Members gain a deeper understanding of the many challenges faced in our communities, and the very powerful, meaningful responses out there.

  • Women's Gift is a great way to connect with these organizations, if you are looking for volunteer opportunities or other ways through which to contribute.

  • Women's Gift is a chance to meet dedicated, interested, and interesting individuals with whom you can expand your network of friends in the area.

To become a member, please provide us with your contact information, so you can be added to the membership list to receive the monthly meeting locations, meeting minutes, and the occasional reminders. We keep emails to a minimum!

We hope you are already planning to attend our next meeting! Please go to our Calendar to see who the recipient will be and the date/time for our next meeting.

Women’s Gift Membership Form


Complete the form below and click on the "Submit Member Information" button. Then you will be taken to the payment page. 


You may provide us your contact information by mail.

Please also include your donation by a check made payable to “Women’s Gift” to:

Women’s GiftPO Box 50193, Eugene, OR 97405


Your membership will become effective upon receipt of your membership donation. Membership donations are $240 per year, which may be mailed, or paid online, on a monthly ($20), quarterly ($60), semi-annually ($120), or yearly ($240) basis.   

Still have questions? Please email us at, we will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with more information.

In joining Women’s Gift, I understand:

  • Women’s Gift membership donations funds Lane County nonprofits that serve women and children at risk.

  • I become a member when I start paying membership donations.

  • Every member commits to paying donations, the usual minimum is $20/month. Many donate more; however, no one is excluded based on financial abilities

  • My membership donation payment schedule can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

  • As Women’s Gift is a 501(C3) nonprofit, all my donations are tax deductible, and an end-of-year receipt will be provided by Women's Gift

  • As a member, I understand that additional activities that are organized by Women's Gift, such as the annual fundraiser, holiday family gift giving and others will give me the opportunity to participate, volunteer, and donate. These are optional and not required.

  • There is no requirement to attend meetings. However, Women’s Gift members enjoy their social times together, and welcome all members to attend meetings. Meetings are generally held the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 3:30-5PM

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