Donate to Women’s Gift
Tax-deductible donations may be made either by check or credit card:
Check, payable to Womenʼs Gift, and mail to:
Women's Gift, PO Box 50193,
Eugene OR 97405
Credit Card (use the form below)
Please note, when paying online, Women's Gift is charged a fee for each transaction. We appreciate your kind inclusion of the fee along with your payment.
Donation form title
Start collecting donations by connecting this form to one of your donation campaigns. Click the form and then click Select Campaign to choose the campaign you’d like to use.
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Thank you for your generous donation!
Women’s Gift provides funding and support to local non-profits using a collective impact model, we combine members' donations to create larger gifts. We also conduct an annual fundraiser; and are generously funded by donations from friends and supporters.
Women's Gift has an all-volunteer Board of Directors and employs no staff. With low operational costs, we donate 93% of our proceeds to selected Lane County nonprofits. Our operational costs include such things as website hosting, P.O. Box rental, and printing.
Email us to ask about more ways you can help: